Tuesday, August 14, 2012

If This Then That - Put together “recipes” to automate actions online


If This Then That is a very cool site I learned about last Friday at EdCampCT. It allows you to create "recipes" that will automate actions online for you. For example, you could have one that will automatically download a photo that you were tagged in on Facebook to your Dropbox account.

It's easy to use with step-by-step instructions and plenty of pre-made recipes that you can use. Twitter, Facebook, Evernote, email are all "channels" that can be used in your recipes. One example given is to automatically save your Tweets to an Evernote notebook. You select the trigger that will force an action.

There are also shared recipes that you can use and personalize that make it easy to get started.

Here's an example of a personal recipe using channels, triggers, and actions:

There is a blog with information and updates,

This is a great tool to save time and effort on your part and make things more efficient. I can see it being used  to document and collect certain Tweets based on topics/@'s and hashtags, Facebook posts, websites and the like, archive certain emails based on subject or content, automatically collecting materials to use in class, automatically collecting student work, easily creating student e-portfolios by collecting all of their material and  related work, and much more. It's one of those sites that has a lot of potential for educators.

I'm working on some recipes of my own and will be using this with Evernote this year to collect resources and student work into my Evernote notebooks.


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